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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.28.2005 * 11:09 p.m.
sleeping in a different bed.
Yesterday was extremely fantastic because I hung out with long-time friends. I love that I'm still in touch with the girls I adored twelve years ago. I know my life would not be what it is currently if it weren't for the friends I've managed to make along the way. Speaking of beloved friends, yesterday was also fantastic because I got a letter from my favorite missionary! He is (of course) doing really well and is (of course) ridiculously amazing. I'm his number one fan.
Tonight I realized that I have to add another boy to the list of those that I cannot go on dates with anymore. There have been about five boys here who have taken me out on dates but it's the same story every time. I say yes, I go out with the guy, (because this is what I am supposed to be doing, mind you) I have fun, but I'm just not attracted to him. I should probably be firm and say no when he asks me for date number two, but I figure he deserves a chance for me to get to know him better before I officially give him the boot. That's when he shows signs of liking me and I'm forced to show signs that I don't feel the same. And then that's it; no more fun dates with that boy. I don't want to lead anybody on. I don't want to be seen as some heart-breaking hussy, because that's not what I am. Sadly (though it secretly brings me great pride and happiness), I am a man slayer, but I assure you that right now all of my slayings are entirely accidental.
These guys are nice, they really are, but I get the feeling that they are dating to find girlfriends or wives. I, however, am just dating for recreation because that's all I'm ready for right now.
On a completely different note: I really enjoy listening to the radio in my car. Tonight I heard a version of Silent Night by the Beatles (with some sitar melodies that sounded a whole lot like Norwegian Wood) which made my list of favorite Christmas songs. Also, I think you should all know that I have a country music station programmed on my car radio. Tanya, I hope you are proud.
I'm wearing my Madrid shirt to bed tonight because "my happiness is where ever I find it, and I want to find it with you..." (Ah The Verve Pipe, I love you so.)