Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.09.2006 * 9:26 a.m.
Half-way through the program!!!
Aside from the fact that I neglected myself and ended up feeling hypoglycemic and grouchy, yesterday was wonderful.
Nothing particularly special happened, no exciting news was received, no money was handed to me on a silver platter (darn it!) but I distinctly remember driving to my class with a smile on my face and the words "High on Life" rattling around in my brain. My time yesterday was spent with people that I love. I played with and raced against children at a park. I woke a dear friend up and made her go out with me for a tasty treat. I stopped an talked with a neighbor friend and ended up sitting in her spa for an hour. I got my car back from the Honda place and now she tells me the correct speed when we drive! I stopped and talked with my beloved pseudo-mom and my almost-little-sister.
While crawling into my bed last night it occurred to me that I don't let people go. No matter how odd and difficult things get, no matter how many choices we make that take us in different directions, once you have entered my life as a friend, you're stuck; I'll consider you my friend forever.
I think that's a good thing.
06.07.2006 * 1:44 p.m.
Why I am going to be a teacher.
I went to a kindergarten graduation ceremony this morning.
Holy cow, I don't think anything cuter exists. Those little kids make my heart sing, especially when they come running up to hug me because they've missed me - and it hasn't even been two weeks since they saw me last.
I can't wait to play at the park with them tomorrow.
I love those monkeys.