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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.11.2006 * 11:49 a.m.
morning time
Today I just want to be lazy. I've got several things planned, but I'm going to stretch out my inactivity so that it consumes all of the morning. I'm feeling pleasantly idle and wonderfully rested. I stayed in bed until nine o'clock, took a late shower, and have spent the rest of the time lounging in my bathrobe...
...which is of course why two lovely girls came by with balloons and a wish to take me out to lunch.
I better get dressed in a hurry...
(to be continued)
11.09.2006 * 11:30 p.m.
(Thank you)
I am joyful.
Not only do I have a cheesecake in my refridgerator, I have some temporary tattoos, and I was sung to by approximately 40 Mormons at an ice cream shop.
And my birthday isn't even until tomorrow.
11.08.2006 * 2:38 p.m.
I get paid for today! Woot!
I have been having the strangest dreams lately. Last night one involved a ride on a motorcycle to a fieldtrip where the kindergarteners were running about out of control. By the time we had all of the children accounted for and lined up, I realized that my green boots were no longer on my feet. In fact, they were not to be found anywhere. While my master teacher waited for me outside in her car, I searched under couches and beds, in corners, and behind boxes. Finally, I came to the conclusion that a stuffed animal bunny had eaten my boots, since this bunny was known for coming to life and eat people's belongings. I tried to talk to the owners of the house and explain the situation so that they could call me when the boots reappeared. (Apparently stuffed animal bunnies don't have very fierce digestive systems so I was expecting the boots to come out the other end in one piece.) However, all of the residents were too drunk to listen to me. I ended up leaving a note with my name and phone number but I walked out of their house very upset because I knew they wouldn't remember to call. I was stressed out. I really like those boots.
What the heck?
Aside from strange dreams, life is going well. I saw several old friends yesterday and enjoyed their company. Friends are good.
(So are my green boots.)
11.06.2006 * 10:12 p.m.
A strange new anxiety landed at SFO tonight.
My university supervisor observed me teach today. She is a really nice woman and she said a lot of wonderful things about my lesson that made me feel really good. She then went on to mention that I should work on the use of my voice with the students because I apparently have a tendency to clip words so that sometimes I sound curt.
Well that's just rockin'.
It's the camp director, bossy, control-freak nature within me shining through. That's a hard thing to fight. The absolute worst part is that I have been completely unaware of such behavior, so I feel like a fool. A curt, snappy little fool at that.
I love these kids, I hope they know that. I'm pretty sure they do. I guess I have to work on not sounding like a tightly-wound spaz to better express my love. Good luck with that one...
In related news, only ten more days of student teaching.
Only four days until my birthday.
Only one minute before I'm sound asleep.