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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.21.2006 * 4:53 p.m.
A happy goodbye.
I am a free woman!
Student teaching is over, I'll be done with school in less than a month, and I'll have my teaching credential a sooner than later.
I love my 3rd grade munchkins.
I am happy.
11.17.2006 * 4:06 p.m.
Oh my little smoochies...
I only have two days left with the third graders.
Part of me is rejoicing wildly because this means I am so magnificently close to being DONE (for now, anyway) with school! Finishing my student teaching means that my teaching credential is only months away from being in my hands. Having no daytime commitments means that I can start subbing every day and actually earing money for the work I do in a classroom. Money, a credential, and a step onward to new experiences- these are all very good things, hence the rejoicing.
However, other feelings of sadness and fear are bouncing around inside my little frame. Leaving the security of student teaching means complete responsibility for the children I teach; there will not be another teacher in the room to support me. That makes me a little nervous. I'm also a bit scared about the whole job search in hopes of starting a career. It will sound so grown-up to be a real teacher. Mostly, I'm going to miss the little boogers in room 41. They're fun, they like me, I've been able to teach them, and they have taught me so much. Plus, I love them dearly.
Moving on with life is a positive experience, but that doesn't mean I can't be a little teeny bit bummed out about the whole process.
Happy Friday.