Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.01.2007 * 8:57 p.m.
vacation over so soon?
I know I said I would start subbing every day starting tomorrow, but I have a cold and I really don't think I would feel comfortable teaching Spanish classes at a high school with snot dripping down my face. Besides, I can't speak Spanish.
Tomorrow: Recover from illness and apply for full-time teaching positions.
Wednesday: Take the first subbing position that comes my way.
I promise.
12.30.2006 * 10:54 a.m.
Heck Yes!
Announcement: I am officially a credentialled teacher in the state of California! I HAVE my credential. Okay, so I don't have it in my hands, but it's on file and my copy is in the mail!!! There will be further rejoicing when I find it in my mailbox, but for now, this will do!
Now I need to grow up and find work. No, not work, something much scarier than work... I need to get a job and start my CAREER. (Shoot me, please.)
Before any of that nonsense begins, I'm enjoying the last few days of this holiday season. The past two weeks have been incredible, bonds have been reforged, the smiles and adventures have been countless, and I feel right on target. This place where I am standing feels right, it feels real. This is magical.
I'm looking forward to 2007. A year ago I was sad and lonely, lamenting the end of 2005 and wondering what a new year would hold. Well, 2006 has not been what I expected, I did not see most of it coming until it hit me square between the eyes, but it has been a year of searching, finding, and growing. 2007 is going to continue in the same vein because I want it to, and I am in control of this ride.
Besides, back in high school I was 07 in pager code. This is my number, this will be my year.
Happy New Year!