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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.31.2007 * 5:29 p.m.
Here I come!!!!
Oh Holy McHoliness...
The truth is, during the interview I was sweating like a male athlete and shaking like a drug addict going through withdrawls. I fumbled over my words more than once and said "like" and "yeah" several times (after which I mentally slapped myself). I don't even have much experience as a teacher. Apparently none of that mattered, because the principal called me today and OFFERED ME THE JOB.
Maybe it's because of my good looks, my fresh haircut, and new outfit. Maybe I wowed them with my intellect, insightful responses, and sense of humor. Maybe it had to do with my beautiful student-teaching portfolio or the "glowing" (that is a direct quote from the principal, by the way) referalls from my reference check. Either way, I'm in. They OFFERED ME THE JOB.
I am no fool. I accepted. Immediately. This means that I am officially entering the wonderfully strange world of adulthood. NEXT WEEK I am going to start working in a position that has the same hours every day, pays a salary, and has benefits. That's right, benefits.
It's terrifying. Don't get me wrong... I'm doing the happy dance and feeling good, but I am also completely nervous. This is absolutely freaking me out.
Hello, my name is Miss Third Grade Teacher.
01.31.2007 * 9:40 a.m.
Home of the Cowboys.
I'm writing this from an English classroom at one of the high schools in town. Being a substitute is always interesting. I have a prep period that last 1 hour and 45 minutes, followed immediately by my lunch period. Okay... I'm thinking about leaving campus to run a quick errand, but I don't know if that's allowed. I think I'm going to do it regardless.
I'm definitely allowed to use the restroom during this time, so please excuse me...
01.30.2007 * 7:40 p.m.
I was definitely shaking and sweating, but I think my interview went well. I'll find out just how well when they hire me or not. Hmm...
The speedy SB weekend was a blast. I have missed those extremely rainy days and am glad the weather was such a mess while I was there. The only way the weekend would have been better is if I had brought my galoshes.