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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.24.2004 * 11:13 p.m.
i dropped a lab.
this morning i went to my history class and though i am one of the few students in there who is not a freshman (from the looks of it atleast) i think it will be a good class. the professor seems cool and the material looks interesting, so that shouldn't be too bad. then i went to microbio, which was fast-paced from the get-go as expected. it's going to be a difficult class, but it also should be interesting. then i went to lab for micro and i took a look at the schedule and the amount of time they expect us to dedicate to labs and whatnot and i thought, "do i really need this lab?" i pondered a little more, considered sticking through the first day and deciding when i got home. but then i acted in a manner highly unlike myself. when everyone else began working on the lab, i spoke with the TA, explained that i would be dropping the course, and left the room.
that was refreshing.
now i do not have a two hour lab monday, wednesday, and friday with the occassional need to come in on a saturday or sunday. now i don't have more work to do than necessary. now i can attend daytime institute classes- something i was very disappointed to be missing out on this quarter. so i am happy. i am pleased. i think this quarter is going to work out very well, aside from the fact that i'm going to spend the first month slacking off every weekend, but oh well.
my mom got into town this afternoon. we put my license plates on my car, that made me happy. then we hung out at the beach with a bunch of my friends. maybe it's disgusting, i don't know, but i really love the sandy, salty feeling that coats my skin and hair after swimming in the ocean.
today was a good day.
09.23.2004 * 8:51 p.m.
welcome to another school year
it's official, school has begun. so far i'm pleased, but i only had one class today. tomorrow will be the real tell-tale sign of how this quarter is going to treat me. it might get messy.
but you know what? i don't even care. because in one week i will be on the road with a car-full of friends, headed out to Utah to have an amazing weekend. i seriously cannot wait.
(my mommie is coming to visit me tomorrow. yay yay yay!)