Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.12.2004 * 5:15 p.m.
the boy who became a man and broke my heart six months ago was back in my santa barbara bubble this weekend. it was good to see his smile, to listen to his voice, to know he was near. it was comforting that i could hug him and be hugged back. it was also odd. it was beautiful to see him a little more centered and developed, a little more the man that i know he will one day be. it is reassuring to know that i have been a catalyst in his maturation and he in mine. we would not be the people we are today without the other, that i know. and for that i am grateful.
i go home this weekend to bid him farewell for two years. i look forward to it though i know it will make me sad simultaneously. at times i wish i had the direction and dedication that he found to say "goodbye world, hello full-time mission." that would really be something.
just three days until i get to bury my face in the fur of my three animal babies and smell the grass of livermore. i just hope i don't fail the two midterms and one paper that stand between me and this weekend.
10.09.2004 * 2:05 p.m.
it makes sense.
do you ever have those experiences that make such perfect sense that you know it's Heavenly Father's way of swiftly kicking you in the pants? i just did, and wow, is it amazing.
(dug's visiting -well, he's actually in Disneyland with a friend today- but it's awesome to have him around.)