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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.14.2004 * 9:54 p.m.
glycine betaine
my roommate Jamie makes the best cookies. ever. always.
i'm pretty sure that i'm still studying. again.
midterm in twelve hours. hittin' the road for home-town in fourteen or so hours. that should be nice. i can't wait to cruise in Holly the Honda and sing along to five hours worth of my cds.
as always, there are about a bijillion people i'm supposed to see/things i'm supposed to do during the whopping two days that i'll be home. i'll probably accomplish twelve of those things. i'd be satisfied with seven: Family. Dug. Church on Sunday. Eric. Jon. Casey. Heather.
the majesty of this world never ceases to amaze me.
10.13.2004 * 8:42 p.m.
eric called me tonight. i get to see him this weekend.
hello online diary, my little refuge from all things pressing and necessary. my therapy and release. my private hideaway that is open to the public. (i realize that makes very little sense.)
i hate studying. and i am not good at it.
that said, let me tell you about something that i did today...
i spent time on campus at the Activities Fair at the Latter-Day Saint Student Association's table. people had a pretty good idea of what i was about before they started talking to me, after all, i was sitting at that table with a big sign and pile of many a Book of Mormon. in a situation like that it's impossible to hide behind artifices, even on accident. i loved that i was able to talk about the gospel with several strangers. i liked that that was the first thing we discussed upon meeting. that part of my day was warm and good.
our oven knob is broken. Michelle's pliers were required to turn off the oven and prevent our apartment complex from burning down. you fellow-residents of GC can thank Michelle at your convienence.