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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.20.2004 * 11:27 p.m.
but my lips hurt real bad!
this day started off right, with a bowl of Count Chocula cereal. how could anything go wrong with a breakfast like that? i don't know either.
i got my microbio midterm back and discovered my grade to be above the average, so i'm stoked. i got the rest of my halloween costume together and i think it looks good. i listened to the Napoleon Dynamite soundtrack about three times. we fixed breakfast for dinner for the missionaries, and i just love crepes, bacon, and hashbrowns. i spent a long time laughing really loudly with the T and the J, and that has become one of my favorite new activities. oh heck yes it has.
Elder Bestfriend reported to the MTC today. Cute Blonde Boy in Utah says that receiving mail while at the MTC makes one feel special and cool, so i'll be sure to send off a Halloween card soon. Blast! all of the guys i've been into in the past year happen to be located in Utah right now. that's a little bit disturbing. If I'm the Man-Slayer, where are the men? I certainly am not doing any slaying at the moment. Bring on the men-folk so I can put my name to the test.
(Disclaimer of sorts: i say many amusing and hilarious things during my finer -and not so fine- moments. if you should come across any statements on other diaryland pages that you think might possibly be a me-utterance, i assure you, you are mistaken. i would say no such thing...
10.18.2004 * 11:01 p.m.
My Best Friend is a Missionary.
where to start?
the weekend was good. the air in livermore had a dryness and scent to it that was comforting, the way home in the autumn should be. i spent friday evening with my parents and the dug and discovered that the local Target has been remodeled and is even better now. (yes!) saturday i saw hea, i ate raw fish, shrimp, and other surprisingly good foods at Benihana's. i saw Napoleon Dynamite yet again and still lauged aloud. i spent some excellent time with a number of old friends over at casey's house and was reminded of just how much i love those people. we ventured over to the corn maze and rambled around in the dark, getting lost, going in circles, making up cheers, and blinding people with the flash of our cameras. sunday i went to church and my mom came with me. we sat in the row with dug's family, right in front. it was good to sit there with Sarah (who has gotten so big) and Isaac (who is still so cute) and play rock-paper-scissors and watch them draw. i love that family and will probably visit them when i'm in town again. dug's talk went well. there were less tears -on my part- than i expected. except during the blasted closing hymn, "God Be With You Til We Meet Again." man oh man. he's going to do good on this mission, and the mission is going to do good on him, that's for sure. i look forward to meeting the man that comes back in two years. that will be something...
when he dropped me off after church we hugged and said our goodbyes. it's so weird, but so awesome. he got set apart as a missionary while i was on the road back here, probably somewhere near Atascadaro. The drive down was pleasant, rainy off and on, but smooth and fast. i saw two excellent rainbows and listened to only classical music or church music the entire time. i made it home in time to catch half of a broadcast people were watching at church, see my excellent friend Daniel, and go to bed on clean sheets before midnight. no complaints there.
today was wet and grey. i wouldn't mind the rain one bit if i didn't have to ride my bike across a puddle-covered campus and sit in wet jeans during microbio lecture. the rain makes everything look and smell clean. it gives a magical glisten to the pavement. it makes me happy.
Elder Bestfriend called me this evening to say goodbye. he leaves home at 4 tomorrow morning to fly to SLC with his parents. he doesn't report to the MTC until wednesday, so he's just going to spend the day hanging out with his parents and do things that missionaries are allowed to do. i'm glad he gave me a final phone call. i'm glad he's going and doing this, finally. i'm glad he is Elder B. with a capital E. but i am going to miss him.
suddenly, there is a speed dial number on my phone that needs assigned. weird. who am i going to call now when i'm walking home bored and alone? maybe it will be you. i wouldn't mind it being you.