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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.01.2004 * 10:03 p.m.
i feel like quitting. not sure what. just seems like the right thing to say. definitely not quitting my job. not school because i've invested too much. i am just sick of this lack of motivation going on in my life right now. i'm floating. i'm in neutral. if i knew it wasn't bad bad and wrong, i wouldn't vote tomorrow.
i'm too lazy to care and i'm too lazy to stop being lazy.
(i had really strange dreams last night and images from them keep popping into my head.)
10.31.2004 * 11:09 p.m.
i'm kind of friends with a girl who doesn't wear makeup because she cries so often. she's got reason to cry. real reason. realizing that makes me humble myself and shut the heck up when i want to whine. i don't see her very often, but she hung out with us tonight, so it's on my mind.
i made some new friends this weekend. i hung out with some people i know that i'd like to be better friends with. i didn't get to see some older friends whom i miss dearly. i scared some folks in the spook-alley with my "The Ring Girl" costume. i enjoyed church today. i want to branch out, make new connections with people around me, strengthen old connections, read more, and figure things out.
life is going ridiculously well; the school load isn't too heavy, the social life is smooth, work is good, health is good. regardless, i find myself thinking, "i miss home. i want my mommie." and various other versions of "wah wah wah." and then i see the girl mentioned at the beginning of this entry and i am reminded to shut the heck up.