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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.02.2004 * 10:56 p.m.
quote this.
it seems that since i started college a few years ago, life has been full of highly quotable phrases. freshman and sophomore years Daina did an excellent job of recording all of the ridiculous things that people said. she was amazing enough to make copies available to most members of our hall that first year in the dorms. talk about treasured memories. last year the quotes around our house tended to get written on a whiteboard, lending the speaker of said quote to mockery for a few weeks or so. then the words would be erased, we'd eventually forget what they had been, and things could get back to normal. this year is different somehow. this year very few quotes have been written down -though there are several threats floating around of writing "Sarah's Book of Blasphemies," "Jamie's Scroll of Misinterpretations," and Tanya's song entitled "Girls Aren't Pretty When They Cry." the thing is, this year's quotes don't need to be written down. they're so absurdly humorous or strange or just plain wrong that they seem to be permanently ingrained in our memory upon being spoken. i wish it weren't so. oh how i wish that the majority of my words in the past few weeks were bland and forgetable. unfortunately for me the utterances coming from these lips are do i put it?... less than kosher. and memorably so. it's funny how that all works out.
so i'm not a big fan of politics. i'm certainly not a big fan of political parties. hey, let's put people in boxes and all wear signs on our foreheads labeling us based on vague standards! regardless of my general dislike for the whole thing, i voted today and feel happy. however, no matter who wins the presidential seat, i'm pretty sure we'll have a fool in office for the next four years. hopefully things will work well regardless.
i have an idea, why don't you stick an empty water bottle in my hubcap so it sticks out and people look at me funny while i drive across IV. that sounds like a good time. ...gosh....