Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.06.2004 * 10:46 p.m.
i was grumpy this morning. but then billy talked with me and that kid just shows he cares so easily. and then a butterfly came to say hello and i saw a squirrel scurry by and i was reminded that nature is an amazing gift and a reflection of God's love all around me. so i got to work. i ended up having a really good time putting christmas lights on bushes around the temple.
but now i'm drained, i'm stressed, and i'm highly concerned about my midterms on monday and tuesday. good thing i already decided that tomorrow is going to be amazing.
11.05.2004 (5 days until the b-day!) * 5:22 p.m.
truck stop hussy.
my arm is all shaky and tired. that's what happens when you have to brace yourself on the hood of a Mack truck to keep from falling off. okay, i wasn't exactly on the hood, i was stretched out over the piece that is above the tire. (is that the fender? sounds good to me.) either way, i was holding on in an effort to not slip off and to remain perfectly still for the camera. many a person drove or walked by and stared at me striking a pose on a truck, jamie and her tripod on the top of her car, and brittney being our minion. good times were had by all.
casey called me last night out of concern for a mutual L-more friend. moments like that remind me of how grateful i am for my home-town buddies, how blessed i am to be loved by those people, and how amazingly big miss casey mac's heart is. life changes, the things we believe and do change, the natures of our friendships change, the people we are change. but one thing does not change, and that is the love we have for each other.
all of you, my friends out there that i just don't see as much as i used to, i love you and i treasure every chance i get to see you smile.
happy friday.