Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.07.2004 (3 days until the b-day) * 9:59 p.m.
we just watched The Best Two Years. oh man. soo good.
life is good, with one small exception: my throat is sore. i do not want to be getting sick right now, but i pretty much never want to get sick, so i guess now is as good a time as any.
a new friend of mine asked me how i got interested in the LDS church, so i told him i was exposed to it through my best friend, who was my boyfriend at the time. i explained a little bit about the me and dug situation and then my friend asked, "so, you going to marry him?" i was taken aback. i answered him, "no. though i thought i was going to for a long time." that's not something i've given much thought to lately. i love the dug, i love that he's on a mission. i want to get married to someone, someday, that's for sure, but i don't have the details (or the man) quite figured out yet. i have the feeling that dug's and my relationship served its purposes and that life moves on. my friend said, "only time will tell, i guess." yeah. i guess so.
i have several crushes on guys around me, friends through church, boys in the ward. i'm trying to make it obvious to them that i'd be willing to go out on dates with almost anyone, but i don't think they're getting it. i'm pretty sure men-folk are clueless. i'm pretty sure i shouldn't be worrying about this silly stuff, but what can i say? i'm a girl. it happens.
i have midterms that i need to do some preparing for. i also have some sleeping to do, so please excuse me.