Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.11.2004 * 1:39 p.m.
welcome to 22.
i had a wonderful birthday yesterday. a special thanks to all of you out there that wished me well, gave me a call, or showed that you care. thank you thank you thank you. i don't know how i got so lucky.
last night was fun, we had a fire on the beach as we are known to do. several people that came were not of the normal crew, and i liked that. i like my friends. new ones, old ones, inbetween ones. i like getting sand in my shoes. i like the smell of fire smoke in my hair. but don't worry, i've showered since then...
11.09.2004 * 5:36 p.m.
on sunday michelle talked about how every woman comes to a point in her life when she has to make a quilt. i have not reached that point (thank goodness because i can barely sew.) but i do know what she meant about having something monotonous to do in order to keep your hands busy and let your mind wander. i found myself in one of those situations today, only in true sarah fashion it involved something slightly gross pertaining to animals, because, let's face it, i am no michelle. at the arc i cleaned out monkey cages. it involves a lot of hosing and occassional scraping to remove monkey poop and food from the cages before we put them through the cage washer. standing there in my scrubs and rubber boots, engaged in mindless mechanical motion, my brain rambled all over the place and i liked it. at one point i actually thought to myself, "i've missed doing this." yes, in reference to spraying monkey feces off of mesh caging. i like rolling up my metaphorical sleeves, getting dirty while working, giving my mind a break from scholastic thoughts, and feeling accomplished when i've completed my task. that's exactly what i get to do when cleaning up after my non-human primate friends.
i got to see the monkeys again today as well. liz (who works with them regularly) says they like me. that makes me happy because i like them. i am continually amazed by the unique personalities that exist in every living creature. these little marmosets have the most adorable faces and deep eyes that search and scan my face when i approach the cage. they have a range of sounds that clearly have different meanings. something about all of that really testifes to me of God. is that weird? probably a little bit, but that's just they way it is.
with two midterms behind me and a head cold in full affect, i'm pretty sure i'll be going to bed early tonight. again. i like the idea of that. i also like the idea of my birthday being tomorrow. yay for that.