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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.16.2004 * 4:11 p.m.
i crimped my hair on sunday morning (and looked darn hot, if i do say so myself!) and my hand is still sore today- it's tuesday. the crimper cramped my hand. i guess what they say is true: beauty is pain. or maybe the muscles of my right hand were just too weak for the rigourous workout that is hair-crimping. who knew?
11.15.2004 * 11:49 p.m.
rootbeer floats for dessert.
i can't figure it out... i rarely do school work outside of class, i sleep less than usual (gasp! i sometimes stay awake past midnight! -still the same old partypooper i've always been, don't worry.), i have no idea where i'm going in life, yet i'm happier than ever. this whole situation doesn't make sense. i've been a high-strung, easily stressed out, perfectionist spaz since i was five. have i really reached a point in my life where i am not overcome by school-induced stress? if so, this is something akin to a buddhist attaining nirvana, seriously. i feel like i should throw a party or atleast call someone, or something.
welcome to my enlightenment.
i've come to the conclusion that my social life is highly conducive to happiness. i am ridiculously fond of hanging out with boys. my girls are great, don't get me wrong. i love girly time and the way that my roommates all help each other get pretty when the occassion calls. i love talking and giggling the way that only girls can. but i also love just being one of the guys, and i've missed that for a little while.
and just so you know, i am the president of Jesse's Fan Club.
11.13.2004 * 8:58 p.m.
"sarah, what did i tell you about peeing on my cell phone?"
i amuse myself for hours on end. okay, so that's completely untrue. i can keep myself entertained for two hours max, then i need to call in reinforcements. thankfully, i haven't had to lately, largely due to the fact that I HAVE AWESOME FRIENDS! oh yes, indeed i do. today has been a random mix of events with a random mix of people. saw The Incredibles again. was served by boyscouts at a speghetti dinner at church. stood on one foot and tried to pick a leaf up off the ground using only my mouth. i'm pretty sure the people going to and from the parkinglot thought we were on drugs. i rode in my friend Jesse's bug. it's a '58 and it smells oh-so-good as only old cars do, causing olfactory induced flashbacks to highschool and riding around L-more. Jenna's and Sam's '66 Mustangs. Jon's pickup -not so old, but sure smelt that way! Beth's bug. Dug's '66 Impala. good memories.
i really need to put an end to the "your mom..." comment reflex. today i warranted a punch in the arm from james and i didn't even finish the sentence. that's a good thing because everyone knew what i was going to say and it would have been wrong. again with the saying inappropriate things all the time. i'd better go before i accidentally do it again.