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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.20.2004 * 7:46 p.m.
the moon is 2.4 inches away.
i went out and had fun this afternoon, the highlight was creating a scaled model of our solar system along the beach. heck yes! i love being friends with nerds!
earlier, i tried to steal someone else's car, but not on purpose. i couldn't figure out why my key wouldn't go into the keyhole. then i realized that the particular white honda civic i was trying to unlock was actually two parking spots away from my white honda civic. genius. that's the problem with driving a car that everyone else has. oh well, it gave Brit a good laugh.
last night i watched The Wizard of Oz with a friend who had never seen it before. that movie rocks. hilariously old special effects make me happy.
from time to time i wonder what Elder Dug is up to in the distant land of Wisconsin. probably eating cheese and teaching the gospel.
11.18.2004 * 11:23 p.m.
work and play
i've been wanting to paint my nails since tuesday. bright green, orange, black, silver, purple or blue. my inner thirteen year old was calling out to me and begging to splash a little color into my life. just twenty pieces of light to brighten my skin. today i had the time and put forth the effort to satisfy the desires of a younger me.
there will be no sullen gazing at the floor. now, downward glances catch glimpses of purple glimmer and sparkle. little bits of mystery and dream resting on the fragile tips of my toes point my sandal-clad feet in the direction of the elect road, the one that kicks up dust behind me as i go.
there will be no pointing or shaking of fists in good conscience. the fingers that type these words are tipped with light. white, the symbolic color of purity, elevates my dexterity to a magnitude of which it is not worthy. now, a gentle reminder of where i strive to go is visible each time i extend my hand to shake that of a stranger.
i now drive a honda ivic because someone thought it would be cool to break the 'c' off.
tomorrow is friday, i'm looking forward to the taste of that.
Happy 21st Birthday (tomorrow) Tanya, my Beloved Roomy!!!