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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.06.2004 * 12:23 p.m.
this is finals week.
here i am procrastinating again. same as every previous quarter and very like every quarter yet to come. i'm digging a hole that i've dug so many times before. i'll try not to complain because i know darn well that this situation is my own doing. i have approximately an hour left to study before i need to leave for work. after work i'll continue in my procrastination by going to a nativity celebration instead of studying. i'll cram tonight and tomorrow morning.
i've kind of come to a point of not caring. that's bad, i know, but it's fact. my first and hardest final is tomorrow morning at 8am. hopefully, i'll be somewhat prepared, but by the looks of things, that's not terribly likely. oops.
yesterday was amazingly enjoyable. between church, break the fast, singing at the nativities, watch The Muppet Family Christmas, and sitting on my couch for hours just talking with my friends, i was joyful. carefree and joyful. i hate when good days like that come to an end.
and by the way, i like boys.
12.04.2004 * 9:40 p.m.
"happy ameoba! he has the flu! "
my job is great. i bet you didn't get pooped on by a cat or bled on by a dog at your work today. and all of that happened before noon. rock on. rock on hard core.
this evening was my work's Christmas party. it was hilarious fun times. i love the girls i work with, i love the doctor and his wife. they all crack me up. we ate amazing food, and played a fun game of pictionary. Kendra and I won, because we have a special connection. How else could she go from "post-nasal drip" to "rabies" like she did?
i love laughing. it's a delightful way to pass the time.
12.03.2004 * 11:16 p.m.
this is the house that jack built.
tonight, i was reminded of an earlier life. not a previous life in the sense of reincarnation, mind you, but a life that i embraced as my own not terribly long ago. i have so much love, so much, for the people who have been in and out of my life leaving little shadows and echos as they go. Yanika is amazing. Daina is amazing. (Tanya and Erin are amazing too!) I am so lucky to know those beautiful women and to have had the chance to share a year of my life intimately with them. it was excellent to see Daina and Yanika this evening. Watching my Yanika perform made my eyes misty and my heart smile. A roommate is something i'd never had until one fall day in 2001. since then my privacy has been limited, my space has been smaller, but my life has been fuller. living in close quarters with another human being brings about a unique and special connection that can be found nowhere else. roommates, present and past, i love you.