Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.15.2004 * 4:52 p.m.
my pants are grass-staind.
my hometime draws to a close. i'm heading back down to school-town tomorrow morning so that i can welcome my friend's brother home, which should be interesting since i've never met the guy. but this little stint of vacation has been wonderful. much has been accomplished and time has been spent with people i love.
as i'm typing this, my nearly-twelve year old cat is sitting on my stomach, purring happily. i'm delighted because she went to the vet yesterday for a check up and bloodwork and it turns out that she is in excellent health. darn straight she is. she's my baby, and when her health starts declining my emotional stability will start declining. consider yourself forewarned.
the time spent at home has passed differently than expected. instead of sitting around my house doing a whole lot of nothing, i spent some time each day hanging out with my new amazing friend Nathan. maybe it's strange that i come home but spend time with someone i go to school with. strange but good. today we hiked up some trails on Mt Diablo. he's hardcore, i'm weak sauce, but i didn't die so that was good. the view up there was beautiful and clear. all the hills and valleys bright green, the sky vivid blue. too bad i didn't have my camera.
then i got to see my Heather and my Tracy. i really had fun with them, which was a pleasant surprise. i love those two. it's good to have happy adventures with old friends.
now it's time for an evening with the family and wrapping some Christmas presents. good times all around.
12.14.2004 * 11:50 p.m.
i live in suburbia, not madrid.
my schedule was packed full today. kept me on my toes. not one dull moment... okay, so maybe there were a few, but for the most part i was pleasantly busy. i do feel a little bad because i disappointed the Spaniard. today, he experienced the dullness of livermore. we went bowling with some of my friends and then had nothing else to do. the evening was okay, but we actually had more fun the night before, wandering around and shopping. now he has seen the boring place that is my hometown. oh well.
i need to sleep before i crash.