Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.24.2004 * 12:16 p.m.
every night's a party.
it's always nice to be home. phone calls and loud, echoing visits from friends. drives around town, down familiar streets, past old friend's houses. faces i haven't seen for years showing up at my doorstep. my big brother. my dog and cats.
I like having a roommate. Sharing a bedroom with another person is like having a slumber party every night. I'm glad I didn't have to share a room as a kid, and I'm sure it would be nice to have my own room even now, but I do enjoy roommates. The past two nights, my roomie has been my cousin. Though he snores a little more than my Tanya, he's still fun. I like waking up and having someone to talk to or say strange comments like, "I think your cat pooped in my mouth last night." I hope that my good luck with roommates will continue.
I need to go. There's an old cat sitting on me, purring.
12.21.2004 * 6:35 p.m.
i love family.
Who's coming to stay with me tomorrow?!? Harley David! That's who! No, that's not a joke, either, that is actually my cousin's name. I haven't seen him in SIX years, due to his being stationed in Guam in the Navy. But now he is stationed in San Diego, so he's spending Christmas with my family! I'm Ridiculously Excited!!!! He'll get here tomorrow morning probably, then I have to work all afternoon, but we'll get to hang out tomorrow night and then head home to L-more Thursday when I'm done with work. How sweet is that?!?! I decided a long time ago that I would never lose touch with my family. I love my cousins because no matter how much time passes, we can always get together and hang out like old friends. Thank goodness for that.
Merry Christmas my little ones. I love you all very much and hope that you find a little bit of that holiday cheer in your hearts and lives. :)