Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.03.2005 * 11:39 p.m.
someone likes me.
Originally, I thought I'd be man enough to handle a full 16 units this quarter, but when it comes down to it, I'm not. I've become accustomed to being academically lazy, and since I don't really need the fourth class I registered for, I dropped it. More free time for figuring out life in general and fulfilling my newest New Years resolution of exercising. I'll let you know if that works out or not, or rather, if I work out or not. hahaha...
On a completely different note: The Man-Slayer has done it again. I don't know when I got this magical skill, but apparently I wield it with amazing force! That makes me smile.
01.02.2005 * 10:09 p.m.
The end of the best Winter Break ever...
Happy 2005!!! I find this new year to be very strange. For me, this year holds a college degree and graduation. I'll turn 23 in eleven months. Other than those two things, I don't have any plans for 2004+1. That's okay though, I've decided to take this one as it comes and roll with it. We'll see if I can manage to live without at concrete plan and still maintain my low blood pressure. I'll keep you posted.
Friday was wonderful, I didn't have to work, so I drove to LAX to pick up a friend. Then, a bunch of my buddies and I got all fancied up and celebrated in style at a dinner/dance/new year's party in Santa Maria. It was delightful, I had loads of fun, and I adore my friends.
Saturday, again I had no obligations, so it was fun fun fun. Nathan, Tanya, Brit and I enjoyed IHOP food and a small child with golashes. I finally saw Finding Neverland and looooved it. I received ridiculously wonderful news that my good friends here are now officially engaged! I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! We spent the evening watching the extended version of The Return of the King. AGAIN. I don't think I can handle watching that again any time soon. Tooo long. Though this time was enjoyable, due to the company and the snuggling for warmth.
Today, being Sunday, was of course delightful. In my church, the first Sunday of each month is a time for us to fast, and share our testimonies with one another. Fast Sundays are always good. Today, we held a Vigilante Break-The-Fast in our apartment, and it was so much fun. I'm lucky to have the amazing friends that I do. While playing battle of the sexes I learned some things about hockey, television, and long island ice teas. I also had a great time laughing with -and at- my friends. Good times were had by all.
I just wish it didn't have to end. I wish tonight wasn't almost over. I wish I didn't have to go to school tomorrow. This Winter Break was too wonderful, it spoiled me. Too much fun, and laughter, and flirting, and care-free time has been spent just enjoying life without worrying about homework or grades. Too bad I have to wake up tomorrow to my reality of life as a college student. Oh well...