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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.08.2005 * 2:59 p.m.
count your blessings.
Simple Joys: *Starting the morning off right, with prayer and scriptures and exercise. *Walking through long wet grass. *Approaching a majestic great blue heron. *Chatting with a friend who loves me, 300 miles away. *Talking with missionaries. *Making small talk about guinea pigs while buying a new cd. *Receiving a compliment. *My pink plaid pants. *Knowing that the Tuutau gets set apart tonight.
The simple things in life are my favorite sources of joy.
03.07.2005 * 10:47 p.m.
maniac of a monday.
I like walking on the beach and getting sand in my feet. That's about all.
I'm happy and I'm tired. Goodnight good looking.
03.06.2005 * 10:07 p.m.
A few weeks ago while sitting comfortably on my couch relaxing, someone I care very much about made the comment that Sundays should always bring tranquility. Today, I soaked in it, and let me tell you, it feels good.
At church today I was reminded that there's nothing quite as amazing as watching God work through people. It's even more delightful when it's via a gentle kick in the pants in direct response to a conversation that took place twenty seconds before. That was so amusing.
Today was Fast Sunday. I think I know what I need to do now, I just need to figure out how. Too bad life isn't fed to me on a spoon (with airplane noises) because that would make this easier.
You are all aware that I like a certain boy. Well, today I noticed that the feel of his arm around me or his hand in mine is incredibly comforting. It's not just because of giddiness or the rush of attraction -though those are there too. It's a calm, comfortable affection and that's such a nice feeling. I'm ridiculously happy. I'm really really fond of that boy.
Today was refreshingly restful. I wrote in my journal (the paper one that you folks don't get to read! ha!) and I wrote two letters to missionaries. I ate with Jamie and then all of my roommates were around the table discussing the fine art of Oreo consumption. That was mighty fine.
Tonight I learned that someone I highly, highly respect is impressed by me. That's a high honor and it makes me glow. Yes. I'm glowing. Maybe I really am amazing afterall. (So maybe that boy I like really is a stud?) I'm not sure, but I am flattered. That's the kind of thing that puts the cherry on top of this wonderful day.
Too bad my throat is sore. And too bad tomorrow is Monday.
03.05.2005 * 3:45 p.m.
I woke up not knowing what day it was this morning.
I walked to the beach this afternoon. I sat in the sand with my back against a rock and my face turned towards the sun like a tired flower thirsting for a surge of solar energy. To feel less like a slacker I brought a school book with me, but it sat in my lap, unopened. When sitting became too stationary, I got up and walked. I rolled up my pants and delighted in the freshness of the water on my feet. And then I remembered that I didn't care about my pants staying dry at all, so I walked where the water was a little deeper and splashed and kicked as I went. Solitude on a beach full of people. I love it.
The heat of the sun made the skin on my neck and lips feel alive. The breeze danced with my hair and made it feel free. The cool water grabbed at my ankles in an effort to make me stay there forever. It almost worked.
I almost wish it had.