Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.11.2005 * 11:13 p.m.
feeling pathetic and frustrated. super.
CRAP. If I were my former-self worse words than "crap" would be coming out of my mouth. However, I learned a little bit of self-control somewhere along the lines. Mostly.
03.11.2005 * 8:51 p.m.
I've spent too much time thinking of a title, and this is all I could come up with.
Atrocious! What is the world coming to? Someone please explain why Girlscout Cookies now cost $4 a box! It's bad enough that they changed all the names. Samoas and Tagalongs aren't good enough for today's girlscouts, nooo. Instead they have to call them Carmel Delights and Peanutbutter Patties! Whyyyy?!?! And for $4 a box they had better be gold plated or laced with crack or something. I don't particularly want crack cookies, but that would atleast explain the cost. When I was a wee bitty Brownie those delicious babies were half the price they are today. Four Freaking Dollars... That's an outrage! (Needless to say, I've already bought two boxes. I'm a sucker.)
I really wanted to get laundry done today, but when the appointed time came I learned that the dryers in my apartment complex are all broken. Delightful. I'll just have to rearrange some of my finals-freak-out time tomorrow to allow for a good bit of laundry washing. It's not a big deal but I like to whine and fuss. It's one of my specialties.
Apparently, another one of my specialties is magically healing people of physical ailments. I think that's pretty rockin'.
I'm not sure why I can smell Nathan on my hand, but I can, and I like it. Yay for man cologne.
Boo for finals. (Good luck everyone.)
03.10.2005 * 11:48 p.m.
Good all over.
Tonight I stood on a hill surrounded by fog. Not even the stars could see us. The sounds of trains and crickets and airplanes whirled past from unseen locations. There were hills and a valley on the other side of the fence but all I saw was nothing. The grainy image of his face smiled at me in the darkness. Warmth was shared through lasting hugs. Thoughts shared before words were spoken. I know how I felt tonight. I know how I feel whenever I'm with him.
Indescribably good.
Tomorrow is my last day of Friday classes as an undergraduate student. Finals are just around the corner, violently chased by spring quarter and my lovely class-free Fridays. How delightful will that be?
I'm falling asleep sitting up... That's my cue to crawl away to bed and slip into sweet unconsciousness for a few hours. I'll see you on the other side.
03.09.2005 * 9:36 p.m.
*cough* my cold has moved into my lungs. *cough*
Any other seniors out there extremely sick of the "Last Chance for Yearbook Pictures" emails that we've been bombarded with for the past four months? Tanya and I were apathetic before, but now I'm actively against getting my picture taken due to their cracked out comparisons. Not having my picture in the yearbook is not on the same scale as nuclear warfare and if I get one more email suggesting that it is I might explode all over those freaking yearbook people. Seriously.
On a completely different note: I am not my boyfriend. That's good for a few (obvious) reasons. But it's also bad because I wish I could be more like him. His scholastic effort is amazing. I used to have that kind of motivation but now I'm suffering from senioritis and spring fever. It's a nasty combination and it's not conducive to studying. But finals are nearly upon us, so I'm putting forth the effort. Another piece of evidence supporting the fact that I am not as cool as Nathan: He's physically fit and can run without getting out of breath. His strong heart beats in his chest all manly-like after exercise. (Which is strangely appealing to me.) He's awesome. I am pathetic. *sigh* Somehow I lucked out and he likes me anyway.
back to my studying...