Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.12.2005 * 12:03 a.m.
Today I called the Schwoy-toy. He turned 22.
I'm not so fond of Mondays anymore. My weekends are always too good, so wonderfully filled with friend-time, relaxation, snugglyness and laughter that I just hate having to enter the reality of a new week with each Monday morning. It's pathetic too, because my Mondays are easy this quarter. I'm a whiner.
Apparently I don't let dreams flow. Instead, I think I seem to stomp on them with my realistic (sometimes pessimistic) attitude. It's not that I don't want those dreams to become reality, because in all actuality I think I'd be extremely happy if said dreams did come true. However, I hate setting myself up for letdowns. Hence the dream-crushing. I'll try to be better at letting the dreams flow.
04.10.2005 * 10:51 p.m.
there's an interesting bruise on my leg.
Occassionally, I experience days when my energy is at a level similar to that of other, more normal people. Perhaps today it was due to the lack of food items in my tummy, or maybe to the tranquility that often comes with Sundays. If you observe that I am not bouncing off walls or fluttering around with a chimpish grin on my face, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm in a bad mood. Today, yeah, maybe my mood was a little down and my energy level with it, but nothing was really wrong. Did I project my image as "super spastic happy girl" so that now people get confused when I don't jump up and down with foolish glee? Oops.
Regardless, I love my roommates. I love my friends. I love my Nathaniel. I love that I can sit with these people and talk about anything and everything without feeling utterly exposed, without feeling judged, and with the complete confidence that I am loved. How did you all get so wonderful?