Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.24.2005 * 7:43 p.m.
i started this entry and hour and a half ago.
Sundays rock. Let me tell you why, in a round-about sort of way.
While sitting in the chapel before church began today I was feeling a little down, a little lacking in the "woot-woot Christianity is the bestest thing ever!" mentality and thinking about how lame I can be from time to time. Actually, scratch that. Mostly my problem was that I wasn't thinking at all. When my brain shuts down my feeling goes with it and I don't know what to do with myself. So there I was, numb, waiting for my pulse to quicken when my favorite young man excitedly whispered in my ear. I missed the first half of Relief Society in order to drive him home to pick up important papers that he needed. He's such a good boy. When I got back to church I walked into a classroom filled with people I adore, listening to a lesson and message that always touches me, taught by a young woman that I admire. What was she talking about? Beloved geneology. I always need reminders about that.
After church I enjoyed quiet time with my boy (I'm so proud of you) then I talked and bonded with my roommates (I love you girls so much). I called home and spent almost an hour talking solely with my dad, which is odd and rare but wonderful. We talked about my cat, we talked about my grandpa and the heavy snowfall he's getting. We talked about my dad's new job in the same building that he used to work in for a previous job. We talked about how he got his BS in Biology and a Masters in Bacteriology and now works in an entirely unrelated field. The man can talk and talk and talk, where do you think I got it? Seriously. THEN we talked about geneology, bless his heart. We talked about Whartons in Gridley and he asked for my help. He needs me to make use of my church's resources. I felt happy, I felt on fire, and I was reminded of how much I have to offer and just how much I can do. Talk about getting a swift kick in the pants. Twice.
Heck yes! Family History! Heck yes love! Heck yes families- blood relatives and my roommate/friend family. Heck yes faith! And heck yes for Tom bending over for us when we cat-called him from across the complex. That was amazing.