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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.11.2005 * 10:49 p.m.
i walked by my old dorm room with my old roommate.
As I rode my bike on campus today I saw a person in a penis costume and another person dressed as a vagina. If you don't spend much time on a college campus you might be surprised by such a spectacle. I, however, am accustomed to such displays. These two folks were part of an activity that is put on to educate people about safe sex and whatnot. I wandered around there a couple of years ago, talked to the people at the different tables, became aware of some awesome organizations, learned some statistics about sex and diseases and that sort of thing. I also go a sticker that said "Sex Affair 2003, I came." Yeah. This year I did not attend the Sex Affair. Instead, I rode past and wondered what those people are going to think thirty years from now when they look back at pictures from today and see themselves dressed as genitalia.
Something bit my lip today. While sitting in the institute between 11:30 and noon I became aware of a swollen bump on my lower lip and was highly concerned. Some bug must have snuck up there and munched on my face. The itchy bump went away after about thirty minutes or so, but it was weird. I'm glad my whole face didn't puff up in an allergic reaction to put all other allergic reactions to shame.
Speaking of which, ick. My eyes have been itchy for several days straight now. I'm starting to become frustrated. I try to resist scratching and rubbing them because I know it will only make them more red, puffy and result in a general decrease in my attractiveness. I don't want that. But I also don't want to have itchy eyes any more. Make it stop. Please.
To carry on with the theme... I saw too many mosquitos this evening. I attended an art show at CCS and hung out on the lawn for a while. Freaking mosquitos were trying to suck blood like their lives depended on it or something. I swatted at them, told them to stop whispering sweet nothings into my ear, that sort of thing. I don't want bug bites. I have enough itchiness without them. The time on the lawn was delightful though. Ah, my Erin, my Jory, and the Gabenator. I miss that group of friends. Why does life have to get busy? I don't know. But I do love you people, very much. Good times.
Today has been enjoyable. Tomorrow will be even better. And heck yes, our goodbye kiss was completed successfully with both of us on our bicycles. I didn't even fall over and die or anything. I'm impressed.