Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.25.2005 * 10:43 p.m.
sleep it off.
If you take a look at the dates and times of my past two entries you might notice that I was up late. Two in the morning twice in a row. This is me (the sleep-loving party-pooper I've always been) we're talking about here, so I'm tired. The decreased quantity of sleep is not that big of a deal by itself. However, it has been combined with a surprise stressful drama, the slowly approaching horror of a dreaded goodbye, my regular routine of school, life, and work, plus an emergency today that made work much more busy and hectic than usual. Taken all together, I'm drained. I'm exhausted physically, numb mentally, and too emotionally overwhelmed to know what I feel right now.
I do know that I fell asleep in less than a minute while leaning against Nathaniel before 10pm. Good thing he left when he did because I was just beginning to drool.
05.25.2005 * 1:36 a.m.
do what is right let the consequence follow...
I didn't go to a class today, just because I didn't feel like it and I knew I wouldn't miss much. Instead, I went home and changed my shoes and shirt because it seemed like the right thing to do. I'm glad I did. I like my green boots.
Someone I love is proud of me because I did something that requires courage. Hopefully my strength and courage hold when the poop hits the fan.
In other news: Tonight, after institute, there was laughter and In-N-Out food. There was a beach that was kind enough to give the gift of sand to my socks. There was a lawn with sprinklers that got close enough to make the roommate's manfriend squeal, "Water!" There was a playground and an outdoor amphitheater with surprisingly good acoustics. There was a pink flower in my hair and a dance to no music.
Tomorrow is my last weekday of work at my current job. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to miss the people there. I'll miss my coworkers because they are smart and make me laugh. I'll miss the friendly greetings and smalltalk with the UPS guy, the animal control officers, or the mail lady. I'll miss seeing all the different animals.
Job? Job? Anybody seen a good job?