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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.27.2005 * 10:23 a.m.
how long can i hold my breath?
If this first half-hour is any indication of how the rest of my day is going to turn out, I'm in trouble.
I woke up to my phone ringing. Ahhh, ye olde place of business (for one more day) showed up on my caller id. I had a feeling last night that someone would be calling me today to see if I could come in for them, and my feeling last night resolved into a "no, I cannot" attitude. So, I answered my phone, listened to my coworker ask if I could work for her, and then said "No." I think she was a little disappointed, but I felt empowered. Empowered is good.
I decided showering is also good, and since I don't have many constraints on my time today, I figured that I would be able to enjoy a nice, long, relaxing shower. Interestingly enough, about half-way through shaving leg number one, the water was shut off. I shouted, "I hate this place!" and am now seated here, in my bright green bathrobe with wet hair, passing the time until I can resume bathing. It could have been worse. I could have been all shampooed and sudsy, then I really would have been angry. Oh well, life goes on. I just wish they didn't turn the water off so often in this building. Seriously.
Welcome to the Friday before the last week of classes. Hang on tight, I think this is going to be a bumpy ride.
05.26.2005 * 9:09 p.m.
they're handing out bibles on campus.
The pants I'm wearing are too big for me. I can pull them down without undoing the button or the zipper. It should come as no surprise then that I always wear them with a belt. I like them because they've got the kind of pockets that you find in dress pants, not jeans. The pockets are perfectly designed so that I can rest my hands in them and stroll about happily at a mellow pace. Walking with my hands in my pockets makes me feel laid back. When in reality I'm thousands of miles away from being relaxed I will satisfy for artificial laid-backness provided by the comfort of strolling along with my hands in my pockets. Indeed.
If life unfolds in a manner that keeps me from heading home, and I still don't have a plan, I'm totally moving away with Erin.