Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.09.2005 * 2:42 p.m.
Document this.
My first day as a done-with-college person was leisurely and delightful. First, I played dress up and modeled as Little Red Riding Hood for my favorite photographer. Those pictures are going to be amazing, but even if they don't come out, I will have the treasured memory of running around in circles on the courthouse lawn wearing a red hooded cape squealing "I'm all done with college!" I put a few smiles on strangers' faces.
Last night was the start of my Hang Out With Nathaniel Marathon. We had an awkward dinner at Woodstock's, but these things do happen. We played inside with my new game from the boss and wife: an inflatable ball and two oversized squishy smiley-faced paddles. Just so you know, I have no hand-eye coordination. We watched Ian play Peasant Quest for entirely too long. We watched Back to the Future 1 and 3. There was sleep in there somewhere. There was a drive this morning through foggy mountain roads that brought us too close to being shot at for either of our tastes. He discovered his first posted grade for the quarter, a big fat A in a hard math class. (Good job, baby. You're a genius!) A long walk down a beach led us to a group of pelicans chilling at the water's edge. They were a little wary of us, but we sat down and enjoyed their company for a while. Wandering back, I was awed and amazed by Nathan's rock-skipping ability. That is a skill I have never been able to master. I think I skipped a rock... Once. Ever. -I feel so lame.- Footprints in the sand, writing in the sand, little avalanches of sand into the slough, sand in my hair and between my toes.
I wish I could fast-forward through the next few hours to the time when he is done with work and the Hang Out Marathon can resume...
(Woot Tanya! Welcome to the fine world of DONE WITH UNDERGRAD!!!!)