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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.09.2005 * 6:25 p.m.
My eyeballs feel funny, but there's a pleasant weight around my neck.
I found the LDS bookstore in Dublin. I wanted to buy two books but I only got one because they didn't have The Autobiography of Parley P. Pratt which I want to read as The Great Chapazini has commanded. All in due time I suppose. There was a section of the store with stuff for missionaries so I looked over the items to see if there was anything good to send to my friends. I saw this package of stickers that cracked me up. It had a few kind of cute stickers that said things like, "Another letter from your favorite girl" and "I 'heart' my missionary." The rest of the pack was hilarious: "Sealed at an arms distance" and "I'm still waiting for you!" I literally laughed aloud in that very silent store. It was awesome! Funny stickers. Anyhow, I cleary was unable to find anything to send to my missionary buddies, so I bought my one book and left.
I went to the optometrist for a check up. That's always exciting because it feels more like kindergarten than a doctor's appointment. I get to look into machines and play vision games, then I get to read aloud. I had my eyes dilated for the first time in a long long time. That was fun in a slightly trippy way. It reminded me of when Nathan had that done and I gave him my sunglasses to wear when took him to the DMV. That was the time I had to keep him from jumping over the counter and strangling the evil lady on the other side. Okay, so maybe he wasn't that upset. Maybe. Good times...
And just so you know, receiving mail is absolutely wonderful. Every day that an envelope bearing my name is delivered to my mailbox is like Christmas morning. (Except when it's a bill, of course.) That's why I am so fond of sending and receiving letters. Christmas in August, people. Christmas in August.
(Thank you.)