Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.11.2005 * 12:47 p.m.
I want someone to hold me.
I think I'm falling apart for real this time. (Warning: If you are like my favorite boy and think girls don't have snot or internal organs that do gross things, maybe you shouldn't read this entry. I don't want to shatter your idealized fantasy of us lady-folk.)
I'm tired of all of the medicine and such that I'm taking, but I'm also tired of feeling unwell. I'm still plagued by this cough and the left side of my chest hurts sometimes when I breathe in deeply. I really should go back to the doctor, and I will. I will. I use my Albuterol inhaler when my chest feels tight, which this cough thing is not helping with. I spray Flonase up my nose every freaking morning to fight my allergies. That works well but, you know, it's nasal spray. Not quite the coolest thing ever. I'm taking this pill every twelve hours to help thin the mucus that is still in my lungs and won't go away. Super gross, I know. I started putting CompoundW on the wart on my finger since it proved invincible to being frozen off by the doctor and I want it gone. Then, of course, my period comes along, which makes me so tired I fall asleep at 10:30 at night and spend all day trying to ignore the dull pain in my lower abdomen.
Wah wah wah! This is just me whining. I promise I'll write something real in here later.
08.10.2005 * 11:01 p.m.
lame entry, sorry.
If today is really the 10th (which I know it is, even though I thougt it was Tuesday for almost half the day) then that means I will turn 23 in three months. For some reason, that weirds me out.
You'll all be proud to know that I hung out with friends this evening. Yay old buddies! I'm not a complete loser after all!
I really am too tired to write anything more, and I don't have much else to say, so I think I'm going to get gone. See you in my dreams.