Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.11.2005 * 8:27 p.m.
I like blueberries.
Oh! The Agony! The misery! Gah!
If I try to log onto the El Camino Ward's website it automatically logs me on to the Tri-Valley Ward's webpage. That means I am officially no longer a member of the El Camino Ward. My days belonging to the ward that was my first home and family in the church are OVER and it b r e a k s my heart. This means that on Sunday they'll read in my membership records and I will belong in this ward for real. How very odd and strange and slightly exhilarating in a scary sort of way.
Don't worry, I think I'll survive.
I like my job. I like that the female doctor calls me "Miss Sarah." I like that I get to learn something new every day. I like my house and my pets and my family is even pretty tolerable. I like that when I point my fan on me at night I wake up cold. I like reading every evening. I like that I am in touch with so many friends in so many places. I really like my necklace. I like knowing that everything is going to be okay, that everything is going to work out as it is supposed to, eventually.
Oh, and did I ever mention that I like you?