Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.16.2005 * 10:57 p.m.
His first day.
Just so you know, today was the day Elder Spaniard reported to the MTC (for those of you not hip to my Mormon jive, that stands for Missionary Training Center) in Provo. That has been the main thing on my mind the ENTIRE day, even when I pretended not to be thinking about him.
I talked to the secretaries at the elementary school in my neighborhood and set up to start volunteering in two weeks. I'll be in a science classroom and a third grade class. I'm really looking forward to this adventure. I love the way little kids get all excited and their eyes light up when they learn something new, it makes me beam.
I had a really fun day with my friends. (Yay! I have friends! Too bad they're only around for a month.)
08.15.2005 * 8:54 p.m.
big goofy grin.
If I were my Grandma Frances I would have said "muggy muggy muggy" when I stepped outside today. The sky has been overcast and a strange moisture has hung in the air. The weather is taunting me, it knows just what to do to get me begging for a thunderstorm. However, the odds of a good rain here this time of year are so low that there actually are no odds at all. It plain out won't happen. Despite that knowledge, the sky today got my hopes up. Tease.
It did make for a gorgeous sunset though, so I guess that counts for something.
My favorite person is in the United States again. That makes me feel joyous.
Gotta go. Ice cream outting with a friend...