Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.01.2005 * 10:37 p.m.
Tomorrow makes 12.
Welcome to the first of September. Today is Elder Old-Friend's 22nd Birthday. Today means I have exactly ONE MONTH to get my application turned in for the teaching credential program I want. My classroom experience hours are so meager and will be puny looking on paper. I might cry.
Some people at work seem to think that I am amazing because (according to them) I have a positive attitude all the time, am relaxed and easy to work with. One coworker asked my zodiac sign and was surprised with the answer. Apparently being a scorpio does not explain my personality as she had hoped it would. Later on I got to mention the fact that I am a Latter-Day Saint. I'm hoping my coworkers will form positive opinions of Mormons by associating happy, friendly me with my religion. That would be nice.
In other news: I'm driving down to Santa Barbara for the long weekend and I leave tomorrow after work, so don't expect any D-land entries for a few days. As luck would have it, I planned to drive 600 miles the weekend that gas hits $3 a gallon. Oops. Good timing, go me.
While I am there I am going to jump on and beat down Mckay just to prove that I can. I am going to sleep in my old apartment and have the honor of being Brit's roommate! Saturday I get to go to LA with my friends and enjoy the temple. Sunday will be full of church, food, and friends. Sometime in there I'll retrieve my bicycle and walk along my beloved beach. Monday I'll make the trip back home and inevitably stop at the In-N-Out in Atascadero because that has become tradition.
Take care my dears and enjoy the holiday weekend!