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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.05.2005 * 9:50 p.m.
amazing weekend.
My holiday weekend/break from my present reality was wonderful in so many ways and for so many reasons. Let me share a few.
*My AMAZING friends. Seriously. Where did they all come from? (er... from where did they come?) How did they get to be such incredible, kind, loving, BEAUTIFUL, hilarious and fun people? One of the things I like best about my SB friends is how lovey they are. We hug, we snuggle, we constantly tell each other how beautiful we are and how much we adore each other. It's an uplifting environment with those people. Ladies of 146, I thank you for letting me be a weekend roommate. I miss everyone already.
*The Los Angeles Temple.
*Goleta Beach, sand in my toes, tar on the bottoms of my feet.
*Craft time with Jamie and her hot glue gun, buttons, tiny photos and pins.
*Everything about Sunday. Church, hymns, testimonies, tears, laughter, prayers, hugs, The Best Two Years, a couchful of snuggly friends, and more love than I ever hoped to feel in one day.
*Reaffirming the fact that I do indeed have mad haircutting skills, even when it comes to my own short hair.
On Sunday I missed the Spaniard more than normal. I missed seeing him wearing his green jacket and rounding up men to bless and pass the Sacrament. I missed having him sit next to me with his highly distracting sockless foot resting on his knee. Darn that boy for being so amazingly hilarious and wonderful.