Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.23.2005 * 12:51 p.m.
It's Friday.
I'm going country dancing tonight with a bunch of people I barely know. It should be fun. It'll make my country-loving ex-roommie proud.
I feel silly for missing him like I do. I blame it on the fact that I love him. Oh well.
12.5% of the way there.
09.22.2005 * 12:49 p.m.
Last night I went on splits with the Sister Missionaries serving in my ward. No, I didn't do the splits... I went on them. Silly LDS lingo. Basically all it means is that I took one of the missionaries while her companion went with another girl and we drove around and visited people from church. It was actually a lot of fun. Most of the people we went to see weren't home, but I got to talk a lot with Sister Tree and she seems to be an extremely cool person. Good times. It was a nice way to spend my evening.
Tonight will be even better, seeing as how I am going to go to the Oakland Temple and do baptisms. Living this close to a temple is an incredible blessing. I'm stoked.
In other news: I drew blood earlier today! Yay! My dog, Gypsy, is due for a blood test so I decided to make her my first victim. It was kind of hard to find the vein and then to actually get the needle into it, but I did it! I did it! Yay! I was very excited. Gypsy was too. Okay, so maybe she was nervous, but afterwards she was happy and I gave her a treat as payment (or a bribe, call it what you will) so it all worked out well in the end. I am just glad that I did something new. I need to get a lot more practice but atleast I've taken the first step.
My lunch break is nearly over. Boohoo. Back to work I go. Oh, and all of you UCers going back to school... I'm kind of jealous. Well, I don't miss the homework, or the stress, or the grades... but I miss the learning. And I miss all of you. Good luck with another school year.
And Tanya Wheadon is beautiful.