Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.28.2005 * 10:21 p.m.
Oh Sailor, why'd you do it?
We all know that Jay is quite a catch, and while Tanya is correct in stating that I can't have the original model we all know that I'm not interested in the original. (After all, he is my two-day-older twin brother from a different mom.) As she phrased it, I already found someone who is a lot like Jay. As I phrased it, I don't want the original model because I want his boyfriend.
I spent the majority of my evening reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and I am very much okay with that. I also listened to Fiona Apple's new cd (due out next week) on myspace and am very much okay with that too.
09.27.2005 * 10:37 p.m.
Power walk across the wet grass.
Every Tuesday I volunteer at the elementary school in my neighborhood. This means I wake up at 7am as if I were going to go to work, only I don't go to work. Not going to work means that I actually have to pick out my clothing instead of just grabbing one of my sets of scrubs. This morning I rediscovered that having to choose my outfit takes me a little bit of time. Especially in the morning. How very silly. I still made it to the school on time, but I was a tad more rushed than usual and I don't like being rushed.
Children are precious, adorable little creatures. They kind of scare me- okay, I confess: they terrify me- but they're still cute. I love the natural curiousity that kids have. An innate desire to learn still burns in them because they aren't lazy yet nor have they been jaded by the bureaucracy of the system. I love being in a classroom just to be around the energy those children bring with them.
Driving home from institute this evening I was planning out this dland entry in my head. However, I can't remember what I wanted to say. I think it was sad, maybe about loneliness, about how too much free time can be a bad thing because it allows my brain to dwell. Maybe it was about my family, about how my dad is a pessimist and a yeller, about how those traits are in my nature too but that I've done a good job of overcoming them recently. I don't know. But I do know that I went to Dairy Queen today and ate a chocolate ice cream cone dipped in butterscotch. And it made me happy. Also today, I put five letters in the mail, each to a different missionary. I love writing to people. The moral of this story is that if you want a letter, give me you address and I will deliver! (Figuratively, of course. The postal service will make the literal delivery. Duh!)
In other news, there are at least three new cds coming out on October 4th that I desperately want. I also desperately want to save money, but that's hard to do when lots of good music becomes available on the same day. Oh the dilemmas of my silly little life.
(A guy at institute had DVS shoes. I instantly thought of the DVS hat that used to sit on top of my favorite boy's head. He's still my favorite. Oh my silly little life.)