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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.02.2005 * 7:33 p.m.
Sleepy head.
The weekend LDS General Conference adventure turned out to be absolutely wonderful. The car ride with an old buddy was fun, and I learned a new word: emesis. (I'm a biology nerd.) Plus, there are several interesting things to see while driving across the desert. I quite enjoyed a shooting star, the Great Salt Lake, a cloud factory, a tree statue, a distant mountain with a snowy peak sticking out above the clouds, and amazing rocks and mountains. Being hugged by many of my favorite people from SB was extremely delightful. We went to the Saturday morning session of Conference and got to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir perform live. That was amazing. The talks were wonderful and the music was so powerful, so incredibly moving. I was beyond happy. Free time was spent talking with friends, eating something called a "concrete" at Nielson's Frozen Custards (so delicious!), and thrift shopping at D.I. where I came away with a new shirt, brown boots, and a red plastic (pleather?) jacket that apparently makes me look hot. Excellent.
The weekend was a success.
To top it all off there was a letter from my favorite missionary waiting for me at home. He is doing well, which is wonderful to hear. And he is my hero. (And did I mention that I'm still very much in love with him? Because I am.)
Needless to say, I am a happy girl. Happy but exhausted. I'm going to bed early tonight.