Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.04.2005 * 11:39 p.m.
My head is in Texas. Is that normal?
A few things on my mind today:
1. It weirds me out that every Tuesday, when walking past the neighborhood middle school on my way to the neighborhood elementary school, I pass several little middle schooler girls who have bigger breasts than me. What's going on? Okay, I know what's going on. America is getting fatter, kids are reaching that critical fat to body mass ratio earlier and puberty is happening younger. Don't get me wrong, I am perfectly content with my figure, but seriously! These little girls are walking around looking like miniature women and it's a bit frightening for me.
2. Target is the best store ever. I got prescriptions transfered and filled in record time. I looked at clothes, and my oh my do they have a massive selection of jackets this season. Beautiful green pea coats and bomber jackets and trench coats. I purchased Fiona Apple's new cd, "Extraordinary Machine" and I love love love it. That's right, three (count 'em three!) loves. I also excercised massive self-control in that I did not buy two other cds that came out today and were each only ten dollars. Oh I want them, I do. But I don't want to spend all of the money that I've been trying to save up for my education. So I walked away from Target with my cd, my inhaler, my alergy medicine, and a clear conscience.
3. Every day for the past three weeks I tell myself as I'm driving home that I will get the Windex and clean the inside of my windshield before I leave the house again. Every day for the past three weeks I have forgotten to do just that. We're not yet at the point where you need to be worried about my ability to see where I'm driving, but I do need to take care of this issue soon.
4. I like Tuesdays because I thoroughly enjoy helping fifth graders learn science and I adore helping third graders read. I also like writing my weekly letter to Elder Spaniard in the afternoon and going to Institute in the evening. Today I had the added bonuses of receiving a call from Tanya regarding kiwi, and going bowling where I scored above one hundred in both games. Excellent.
5. It is past my bed time. Well, I don't actually have a bed time, but I should be sleeping right now. Time to get on that. Hopefully I don't dream about gigantic tornados forming directly above my car again.