Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.28.2005 * 12:47 p.m.
week (weak?) twenty.
Things seem to be falling into place for this "plan" that I've established. I have an interview at CSUEB on Tuesday the 8th. I don't even have to ask off work because Tuesdays are my day off. Excellent. I hope I get into this teaching credential program. If that doesn't happen I really don't know what I'll do. Oh well, I'll figure it all out eventually. Right now I'm focusing on being optismistic and taking each new day as it comes.
10.26.2005 * 7:33 p.m.
15 days until my birthday.
The sky was grey and the clouds were drizzly today. This weather has an effect on me that is strangely similar to being wrapped in an old blanket. It brings me a unique sense of comfort. I love that the wind blew strong and cold today, that the leaves on the ground crunch euphoniously under my feet, that fall is actually here.
Despite all of that joy, I started my day off depressed. Have you ever let embarrassment nip away at your confidence and color your mood? I accidentally did today. I'm well over it now, but it's startling how much control my emotions have over my entire being.
Speaking of control and emotions, I need to go read a book to occupy my mind so as to keep it from dwelling on it's favorite subject.