Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.11.2005 * 12:41 p.m.
twenty-two woo woo.
Happy Veteran's Day! The post office is closed today so I will try to remember not to check the mailbox constantly. That's unlikely though.
I don't have to work tomorrow or the following two Saturdays! Hooray! Tonight I'm going to go out and have fun for the first Friday evening in a while. I'm looking forward to that.
And since it's Friday I get to check another week off. Life is good.
11.10.2005 * 7:53 p.m.
November 10th is good.
Welcome to my birthday.
First of all, a special thanks to any of you who sent me your love today. I cannot express how much it means to me to have amazing friends like you.
I like counting things and I pay particular attention to dates. When I hit a milestone I love to look back on where I've been. It helps me appreciate where I am currently. Please indulge me as I do so now.
My life is hilariously small, the blink of an eye in the eternal spectrum of things, but it feels pretty big to me. I've been through a lot, been so many places, and am constantly changing. The coolest part is that I know there is so much yet to come. I am greatly looking forward to everything that is headed my way because I know that the events in my life mold and make me. So far that has worked out to my advantage and I am happy with the person I am slowly becoming. Hope it carries on this way.
Now it's time for cake.