Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.13.2005 * 5:14 p.m.
The moon watched me drive home.
This weekend has been good. A friend took me out to dinner for my birthday on Friday night. We went to Chevy's so I had the honor of receiving a sombrero. Excellent. I always wanted one of those. We rented and watched Fever Pitch, which was really cute though it managed to spark a rather unexpected conversation about the menstrual cycle. My life is just special like that.
My mom and I went shopping yesterday which was a lot of fun but also tiring and boring. Buying clothes is always like that for me, a rush of excitement followed immediately by a "holy crap get me out of here now, I just want to go home" sensation. I guess my girliness is just in short supply. Anyhow, I got nice looking clothes, things I would place in a "business casual" sort of classification, the types of clothes I can wear when (keeping my fingers crossed) I start student teaching in a couple months. True to form, I purchased earthy colors. Lots of green... I love me some green.
Today, well, I didn't even get out of bed until eleven this morning. I'm not sure what that was about, really. I woke up every hour from seven on and repeatedly said to myself, "I'll get up now and do something productive." only to fall right back asleep. Oops. I did have some pretty sweet dreams though, so that was awesome.
The sky is a splendiferous shade of blue with pink clouds right now. That makes me smile.