Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.14.2005 * 9:58 p.m.
"What Sarah Said"
Another mixed emotions Monday. Mixed because the very nature of Monday and the way it kills off the weekend invariably bums me out, just a little bit. However, every other aspect of the day was good, bits were even (dare I go so far as to say it?) excellent. It's true. A sticky note on my time card told me where to find the Death Cab for Cutie cd that I ordered through a coworker. A pseudo-scavenger hunt is always a fun way to start the morning. Work was good and busy. I got my paycheck and therefore got to see my raise- a buck forty more per hour! Sounds pretty freaking sweet to me.
I really do like my job, I like what I do and I wouldn't be opposed to learning more and staying longer. At the same time, I don't think it's what I want to do with my life. I dunno. I feel compelled to become a teacher, but I'm not sure that teaching is really what I want as my career either. I'm a mess, but I've been assured that that's an okay thing to be at my age.
One fantastic feature of Mondays is checking my email and finding updates from missionaries. I adore the weekly mass emails from Indonesia and Brazil, they're always so interesting. Today I also got an illegal email from one of my old buddies. I'll excuse him this time because it has been a while since he has sent one and today's was a belated happy birthday message. Apparently he is too poor to buy stamps so he couldn't send a letter. Oh come on! Thirty-seven cents?!? I think the Wisconsin weather has frozen his brain into a state of hibernation. Oh well. The absolute best Monday treat is when my favorite young man has new photos posted. I admit, I beam at the sight of him smiling with new people, his name badge prominent on his shirt. I absolutely glow. It's even more fantastic when he's wearing a tie that I sent. Makes me feel special.
And at Family Home Evening tonight three people wrote down my name in response to the question: From whom (in the room) would you most like to receive a compliment?
I don't entirely know what that means, but I think it might be good.