Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.19.2005 * 3:05 p.m.
jamba juice is good.
Chris forgot to tell me that the 7:15 IMAX showing of Harry Potter was sold out and that he bought tickets for the 8:15 movie instead. It worked out for the best though, I got a sweet spot in line and we were able to claim an entire row in the theater. The movie was excellent and made me want to read even faster. See, I didn't fall for the Harry Potter madness when it all began... I haven't read the books. Well, I just started reading them and am currently in the second book. I'm excited to catch up to the movies, and then surpass them! muahahaha!
(If I just frightened you, I appologize.)
My brother and I just got back from an outdoor adventure. We hiked around on Mount Diablo and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but man, I've got seriously pathetic lungs. Allergies do this amazing morph into asthma while I'm exercising and it feels funny. Good thing I have my handy inhaler that makes my legs feel like jello, because that's always comforting while hiking around on mountains. Burning lungs and shaky legs, that's me. Regardless of my physical incapabilities, I had a lovely time. The view was beautiful, the sunshine warm and perfect. I love that I can play outside in a t-shirt and jeans in late November and still be warm.
But of course, the last time I played on Mt. Diablo was with the Spaniard, so I thought of him. I always think of him. And so it goes...
HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY TANYA, YOU SEXY BEAST!!!!!!! (I love you!)