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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.12.2005 * 9:41 p.m.
"it's only you, beautiful..."
The weekend was good. Saturday night I went to a Sharks hockey game in San Jose. That was the first pro hockey game I've ever been to and it was a lot of fun. Sitting high up in a big arena, watching heavily padded men speed around on the ice and occassionally beat each other up was extremely entertaining. Good times.
You know what is awesome? It has been a really long time since I've felt genuine anger. It is amazing how much my faith has helped me to improve certain areas of my life and bring peace when I am most in need. Don't get me wrong, I can still be a grouch and I am actually becoming more impatient and grumpy while driving (and I don't know why!) but I have not been bitter or hatefully angry in a long long time. It feels really good to have control over my emotions and to be keeping those negative, damaging feelings far far away.
However, I came home from work tonight feeling slightly dejected and not knowing why. I ate dinner and headed off to church where we did an awesome activity. We filled socks with candy and toiletries and will be delivering them to a local battered women and children's shelter for Christmas. I love doing service projects like that, it really brings the Christmas spirit to life. While at church I met and talked with a new guy and we all know I love making new friends. Also, another guy asked for my phone number so that we can go hiking some time. And I talked with the Sister missionaries and am going with them to a lesson that they are teaching tomorrow night. Service, friends, and missionary work all make me feel warm and fuzzy inside, so even though the evening started with me in a funk, it seems to be ending on a good note.
Now I need to wrap the candy, socks, and tie that I am sending in a Christmas package to my favorite missionary.