Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.18.2005 * 7:32 p.m.
Beautiful Sunday.
Today has been good. Indeed. I love rainy weather and thunder in the skies. I love church, I love Christmas, and I love singing Christmas music in church. I love my new friends and I love my old friends even more. Two friends informed me today that they are now engaged. It's amazing how my responses differed depending on my relationship with the girl involved. The first girl to share her news with me is a relatively new friend from church here. I don't know her terribly well, but I think she's fantastic. She got a very enthusiastic "congrats" from me and my general interest in the details of the engagement and when they'll be getting married, but it was all very civilized and polite. I used my indoor voice the whole time. I'm ridiculously happy.
The second girl to share happy news with me is one of my adored college friends, someone I became very close with and love like a sister. My phone rang, I answered, she said, "Guess what?" I said, "What?!" she excitedly said,"I'm engaged!" Then the squealing began. I definitely did not use my inside voice but instead did a bit of screaming and repeated "You're engaged?!?!" We squealed more (I may have even jumped up and down) and then she had to go. I'm waiting for her to call again so I can learn the details and squeal some more. Life is exciting. (Congratulations, you beautiful amazing thing, you.)