Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.08.2006 * 7:50 p.m.
hot red jacket
I am currently somewhere between ridiculously happy and strangely sad.
Playing in San Francisco yesterday was fantastic. By the end of the evening my face was pink from the wind and my legs were tired from the walking, but I could not have had a better day.
I love my friends. I miss the time in my life when I was completely and constantly surrounded by friends. And though I love couples, I really do- they're all so cute, they remind me that I also miss the time in my life when someone was holding my hand during church.
01.06.2006 * 6:20 p.m.
thirty? sweetness!
My first week of school is done and when I left campus last night I was already overwhelmed. And I haven't even had two of my classes yet. This is going to be one busy year. It feels weird going to school there. For example, I have to commute to campus. In my car! And it takes 30 to 45 minutes! I miss my ten minute bike ride. The landscaping is less beautiful than my alma mater, there are no bicycles (not even bike paths!), and I definitely cannot hear the ocean. However, the professors all seem fantastic, the rest of the students in my cohort are very friendly, and I think I'm going to be happy with the experience.
Speaking of happy experiences, do you have any idea who I get to see tonight?!? Tanya and Jay!!! Two of my favorite people, and they're on their way up from SB as we speak. I'm going to play with them in SF tomorrow, which should be fantastic. I need some best friend loving right now, so they couldn't be coming at a better time.
Family drama continues to be, well, dramatic, but it is stable for the moment which I much prefer to its escalating. Oh well. I've done all I can do (I think).
I need to do homework. Boo.