Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
02.03.2006 * 1:51 p.m.
thirty-four (where's my letter?)
Are you shocked that I haven't written for a few days? I am. A little. My life has been strangely busy in a nice way.
The student teaching is going fairly well, though I wanted to throw three little boys out of a window yesterday. Let's just say they were not on their best behavior for the substitute teacher. Today was better, thankfully. School-school is keeping me busy, either by making me sit through long, boring classes or by giving a lot of assignments that I don't have the desire or the time to accomplish. Not that I'm trying extremely hard to accomplish them anyway, but that's a different story.
My time after school each evening has been filled with fun and friends. I don't want to do homework during the week because I am warn out from schooling it all day, so I've been playing. It's delightful! I am ridiculously thankful for the friends I've made here recently, and for the friends that I've kept here for years and years.
I also like being refered to as a cute Mormon girl who flashed a smile at a boy in church.
Man: Slayed.
(I possess a super-human power. Be warned.)
01.31.2006 * 10:21 a.m.
random free time is good.
February starts tomorrow. I have no idea how all of you are feeling, but I am not ready for it to be February already. February means I've been in school for a month. It means I've been student teaching for two weeks. It also means that in nine days I'm going to be observed in the classroom by my university supervisor- which makes me feel nervous in a dangerous I-hope-I-don't-soil-myself kind of way. I have become an extremely skilled procrastinator over the years and I'm sort of, kind of doing the minimum amount of work to get by right now. (I know, I'm bad.) I think it's time for me to step it up a notch. I'll have to stop being so easily distracted by friends and cute boys.
Speaking of January ending and cute boys being distracting, I should be getting my monthly letter from Texas any day now. That will be nice. I miss my good boy.