Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
02.28.2006 * 4:18 p.m.
Beautiful Weather.
The rainbow that stretched across the sky this morning was beyond gorgeous. It must have touched the ground somewhere and left a glittering pot of gold, I am certain. The vibrant colors arched overhead in a way that seemed to promise that today would be a good day.
So far, the rainbow's promise has held true. Let's hope it stays that way.
02.27.2006 * 9:04 p.m.
a giant iguana on the wall.
Hello. It's been a few days. I've missed you too.
My weekend was wonderful. I spent Friday night walking around in San Francisco on the arm of the cowboy. I ate cracked crab for the first time and actually liked it, until it cooled and started tasting fishy. Saturday was spent with a variety of dear old friends, so I was happily social. The evening found me in San Francisco on the arm of the cowboy once again. This time we had my bestest girl and his cousin along with us. It was a night of great conversation, perfect laughter, and wonderful company.
Pretend you're riding in a car on a rainy highway. The driver seated on your left manuevers through traffic like his Honda is a racecar. Quickly, too quickly, the exit is taken. The offramp is deserted except for the vehicle in which you are riding, and at the stop sign you feel it happen. Wheels turn suddenly and you find yourself watching as the scenery moves past you in a steady circular stream. A full 360 degrees dance before your eyes and when the turning stops you realize that you are right where you started. Maybe you're shocked that you didn't scream, you didn't move, you didn't even feel your pulse increase. Maybe you can't understand how it is possible that you did not feel afraid even though you did not feel particularly safe. That is, until you realize that the person behind the wheel has done this sort of thing before, that he knows what he is doing, that he respects you and will maintain control to protect you. Then you come to the conclusion that there really is no reason to worry.
Yeah. That's how I feel.
I have a test tomorrow that I intended to study for, however, I think I'd prefer to go to bed and fall asleep to the sound of rain beating against my window in stormy gusts.