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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.13.2006 * 10:59 a.m.
For the lovely Mrs. Hansen.
(Maybe if you other people signed my guestbook I would write an entry especially for you. Or maybe Rileigh is just extremely special.)
No, the Cowboy does not come complete with a black Stetson. He's not that kind of cowboy. He doesn't work on a ranch or round up cattle, he doesn't own horses or live on a farm. He calls himself a cowboy but he's really more of a redneck hillbilly. That description might not make him sound very charming, but I assure you, in his rough and often vulgar way, he really is.
Instead of a Stetson he wears a camouflage rain hat that he ordered from Cabella's. He is a cowboy because he's a hunter; there is always some animal in season and he will always be out there hunting in his free time. He eats what he hunts like a good man should. He is a cowboy because he loves country and western music, because he is a rebel, because he lives life at a fast pace. He is a cowboy because he looks good when he wears his cowboy boots and belt buckle when we go out on the town.
We went to a Celtic Fair and he bought me a pocketknife when I wasn't looking.
As far as I can tell, a pocketknife is the kind of gift a cowboy gives to his lady.
I don't know how to paint a better visual. He has wild brown hair and deep blue-green eyes. He is slender, fit, and strong. He is hilarious and wonderful. (I'm going to be in SB next weekend... I'll call you. I'll show you a picture.)
In related news:
We got in a car accident last night.
Raining, fast lane on the highway, puddle, hydroplaning, spinning out in a complete 360 across all four lanes of traffic, crashing hard into the first post of a guardrail, taking out a tree on the other side. No one was injured. Thankfully there were no other cars involved, but it pretty much totalled his car and made for a long evening. I'm worried about him now because I know he's stressing, but we are fine, and that's all that matters.
Last night he saw me in a new setting. Last night he realized how well I can stand beside him and support him. I think that came as a pleasant surprise. I think he may have initially underestimated the wonderfulness that is me.